~Work-break free from stress.

1 ''The best way to predict the future is to create it.'' - Abraham lincoln.

2 ''Don't stress the could haves. if it should have,it would have.''

3 ''Stress is caused by being here but wanting to be there.''-Eckhart tolle.

4 ''Focus on your goals, not your fears.''

5 ''choose peace over panic.''

6 '' A relaxed mind can focus and think clearly.''

8 '' it always seems impossible until it's done.''-Nelson mandela.

9 '' Success is the sum of small efforts repeated day in and day out.-Robert collier.

10 '' Work hard in silence, let your success be your noise.''-Frank ocean.

11 '' Believe you can and you're halfway there.-Theodore Roosevelt.

12 '' Believe you can and you're halfway there.-Theodore Roosevelt.

13 '' you can't stop the waves, but you can learn to surf.''-Jon kabat-zinn.

15 ''peace comes from within. Do not seek it without.''-Buddha.

16 ''Nothing will work unless you do.''- Maya Angelou.

17 ''Success is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure.''-Colin powell

14 '' In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.''- Albert einstein.

19 ''Every challenge is an opportunity in disguise.''

20 ''Work hard, stay focused, and surround yourself with good people.''

21 ''You are capable of more than you know.''-Gloria Steinem.

23 ''Time is what we want most but what we use worst.''-William penn

24 ''Your life does not get better by chance, it gets better by change.''-Jim Rohn.

25 ''The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.''Walt Disney.

26 ''You are not a machine , so take time to recharge.''

27 ''A problem is a chance for you to do your best.''- Duke Ellington.

28 ''The key to success is to focus on goals, not obstacles.''

29 ''Happiness is not something ready-made. it comes from your own actions.''Dalai Lama.

30 ''Start where you are. use what you have Do what you can.'' Arthur ashe

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31 ''Opportunities don't happen, you create them.''- Chris Grosser. ''

32 '' The only limit to realization of tomorrow is our doubts of today. ''- Franklin D.Roosevelt

33 '' Don't let yesterday take up too much of today''.-Will Rogers.

34 ''Dream it.Wish it. Do it.''

35 ''Don't watch the clock, do what it does. keep going.''-Sam Levenson.

36 ''If you want to achieve greatness stop asking for permission.''-

37 ''Don't be busy, be productive.''-Tim Ferriss

38 ''The secret of getting aahead is getting started..''-Thomas Jefferson

39 ''The harder you work, the luckier you get.''- Gary Player.

40 ''It's not about perfect. it's about effort.''-Jillian Michaels.

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