The Art of Balance.By / 2025-03-09 ''Embrace Your Journey :Finding Calm in the Path to Success'' 1 ''The greatest weapon against stress is our ability to choose one thought over another.''-William James 2 ''You are enough just as you are.''-Meghan Markle 3 ''Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without.''-Buddha 4 ''The more you know yourself,the more clarity you gain in life.''-Deepak Chopra 5 ''You calm mind is the ultimate weapon against your challenges.''-Bryant McGill 6 ''The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.''-Lao Tzu 7 ''If you want to fly, you have to give the things that weigh you down.''-Toni Morrison 8 ''the mind is everything. what you think become,''Buddha 9 ''the mind is everything. what you think become,''Buddha 10 ''The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.''walt disney 11 ''We don't remember days;we remember moments.'' 12 ''It's going to hard, but hard does not mean impossible.'' 13 ''Life is what happens when you're busy making other plans-John Lennon.'' 14 ''Do not wait for leaders , do it alone , person to person.''-Mother teresa 15 ''Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all.'' Helen Keller 16 ''A goal without a plan is just a wish.'' Antoine 17 ''Everything you've ever wanted is on the other side of fear.''George Addair 18 ''Peace begins with a smile .''-Mother Teresa 19 ''Breathe in peace, breathe out stress.'' 20 ''Rest and thankful.''-William Wordsworth Read More. Click here 21 ''The quieter you become, the more you can hear.''Ram Dass 22 ''Inhale confidence, exhale doubt.'' 23 ''Quiet the mind and the soul will speak.''-Ma Jaya Sati Bhagavati 24 ''All is well, and all will be well.''-Julian of Norwich 25 ''Nothing can bring you peace but yourself.''-Ralph waldo Emerson 26 ''Resting is not idleness, it is an opportunity to restore your energy.'' 27 ''You are the sky, everything else- it's just the weather,''-Pema chodron.'' 29 ''The soul always knows what to do to heal itself.The challenge is to silence the mind- .'' Caroline Myss 30 ''Keep calm and let life unfold.'' 31 ''The calmer you are , the more peace comes from what's happening inside you.'' 32 ''Relax and let the present moment be enough.'' 33 ''Rest, renew, and rejuvenate your soul.'' 34 ''You can't calm the storm, so stop trying.what you can do is calm yourself.the storm will pass.''Timber Hawkeye.'' 35 ''Life is really simple,but we insist on making it complicated.''-Confucius 36 ''The greatest wealth is to live content with little.''-Plato 37 ''The best remedy for a busy mind is stillness.'' 38 ''Relaxation is the key to a clear mind.'' 39 ''Don't be afraid to rest. sometimes, doing nothing is the most productive thing you can do.'' 40 ''Nothing in world can trouble you as much your own thoughts .''Marcus Aurelius